Posts Categorized: DISC

DiSC and Culture

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How does the local culture where an individual was raised or spent most of their life impact their DiSC profile? What does the data collected from DiSC profiles in the world’s various regions tell us about those cultures? How can one learn to adapt to work, communicate and develop relationships with different styles and cultures?… Read more »

DISC and Your Ego

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You have done a DISC profile and now you want to become more aware of how your behavioral style affects others…but somehow your ego seems to get in the way. How can you overcome this? (Warning: This may not be easy reading. It is meant for the serious student who wants to be more conscious… Read more »

Stress Affects Everyone…Want a Simple Remedy?

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A Simple Tool for Managing Stress Stress (both personal and career/work driven) is an unavoidable part of life for nearly everyone. However, enhanced self-awareness and understanding can make the stress drivers in life very manageable. DISC and Stress is a proven tool created by John M Ruh Associates based upon decades of direct, real-world research… Read more »

National / International DISC Statistics

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2014 – 2017 176,590 profiles in U.S. (Source TTI International) U.S. percentages of men and women – Natural graph: United States DISC Statistics Global statistics 2014-2017 available upon request. Please contact Darlene via email or call 773-775-6636. Want to know more about DISC? What is DISC? For one complimentary DISC assessment, please contact John Ruh… Read more »

Stress Management

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Speaking Leader to Leader: Confronted with the C virus environment, as leaders we must keep our stress levels in optimum range so we can support others right. If we don’t address our own stress problems, we will be unable to assist others in similar circumstances. The DISC tool mentioned below, and insights from three renowned… Read more »

The Cultural Implications of DISC

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Learning to understand individual behavior and personality elements and their collective impact on groups is a significant aspect and benefit of the DISC Profile tool. Ultimately, the collective dynamics of individuals creates and sustains cultures of nations, organizations and teams. Therefore, DISC is a highly viable tool for defining and promoting effective cultures based on… Read more »

DISC and Stress

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Stress, personal and work-based, is part of everyone’s life and impossible to avoid but it is possible to alleviate it effectively. Personal life issues such as illness, relationship conflicts, and financial burdens are common and often lead to increased stress. Work life is accelerating and making increased demands. New communication technology makes us reachable and… Read more »

Supporting Effective Change Management

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We address one of the most difficult topics in all organizations, change management, through a more comprehensive appreciation of individual perspectives. Utilizing the DISC Profile Tool, leaders can learn how different personal styles react to change situations, and proactively prepare teams for smoother and more effective adjustments. John Ruh and Associates will facilitate effective Change… Read more »

DISC and Sales

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An individual’s behaviors and personality impacts how they evaluate and make decisions. Understanding a tool that helps to identify these traits, like the DISC Profile, can prove highly valuable in framing approaches to marketing and selling. Similarly, understanding one’s own personality provides control over the dynamics of interactions with targets, prospects and clients and allows… Read more »

DISC and Leadership

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Overview Disc Leadership is learning and recognizing your style of leadership and how to make it work to its’ maximum benefit among all types of personalities. Disc Leadership is learning how to most effectively empower others. Disc Leadership is adapting your style so you get the results you want. In many highly successful companies everyone… Read more »