The 365 Wheel of Continuous Improvement

Continuous ImprovementWhat is it?
Continuous Improvement (CI) is a best practice tool providing individuals, teams and companies a non-stop program to create new habits that, in turn, create skills which transform individuals, teams and companies. Continuous Improvement is a way of thinking that drives habit. When Continuous Improvement is adopted philosophically, an individual, organization or team subscribes to an enduring loop of assessment, refinement and change. This program can make continuous improvement a habit for the entire firm.

3 Key Challenges It Solves

  1. Ensures proactive, ongoing, incremental change and advancement, rather than a problem or crisis-driven response.
  2. Global statistics (request if interested) show that 70-74% of the population require a defined process to make change happen vs. a series of unrelated events, or worse yet, crisis response.
  3. Secures the future by initiating innovation and inspiring the development of products and services that meet the rapidly changing needs and opportunities of today’s markets.

How It Works

  1. Declaration by leadership that the organization is focused on and committed to continuous improvement (ideally making it a core value).
  2. Design and packaging of the program with you/your managers so it fits your culture/people.
  3. Assignment of a Leader/Manager (can be an outsider) to lead the way with project champions for each continuous improvement initiative/project.
  4. Weekly review of results with focus on acknowledgement.

Introductory Offer
One month of initial work by us at no charge to:

  1. Understand what is currently happening (situational analysis)
  2. Assess effectiveness of existing approaches, if any
  3. Determination of the type of program that is truly needed given your culture and nature of the people you employ

Suggested Workshop to Introduce the 365 Wheel of Continuous Improvement (CI)

  • What is Continuous Improvement and why bother with it?
  • How to make Continuous Improvement a habit like brushing your teeth
  • Measurements – How to measure it and make CI a department and/or company habit

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