109 Testimonials


109. ““Having a DISC profile done helped illuminate things I had known about myself deep down but didn’t know how to put into words. The assessment helped me understand small things about my communication style which is a huge benefit in a corporate setting. I feel armed with tools to help have better conversations with those around me and dig deeper regarding my work and life habits.” Max T., Systems Administrator, 7/16/2024

108. “We started implementing DISC training in our business and have seen significant a jump in our ability to communicate within our team as well as with our clients. These skills will allow us to further grow our business and provide exceptional service to our standing clients.” Billy E., Financial Advisor/Educator, 5/2/2024

107. “I’ve been in sales and customer relationship management for the last 15 years, working in business development, account management, and even retail. Throughout all the training I’ve had over the last decade, nothing beats the practical knowledge I’ve obtained working with John and Darlene through their DISC program. I’m a firm believer that learning is a continuous journey and the team here provided me with the insights and knowledge I need to be better at identifying client’s needs to provide them with exceptional service. I look forward to learning more from John and his team, and continuously applying these skills to be a better dealmaker and an all around better person.” David A., 11/28/2023

106. “Exploring the DISC profile has been a game-changer for me. It’s like having a user manual for understanding people. This tool provided valuable insights into different communication styles and behaviors, allowing me to navigate interactions more effectively. Highly recommend for anyone seeking a deeper connection with those around them.” Eugene M., CEO, 11/17/23

105. “My experience with DISC has helped me not only in my professional life but also my personal life. I can adjust to a person’s profile now because I can tell who I am speaking with.” Salees K., Company Liaison, 11/17/23

104. “It is with great pleasure and immense gratitude that I take this opportunity to express my heartfelt appreciation for the invaluable mentorship and guidance provided by John Ruh as my business coach. John’s remarkable depth of knowledge and extensive experience in building successful businesses has been nothing short of transformative for me and my ventures.

One of John’s most profound insights that resonated deeply with me is his concept of the “golden goose.” With his expert guidance, I have learned to recognize and nurture the core elements of my business that generate the most value and sustainability. John’s ability to distill complex business strategies into actionable steps has been instrumental in steering my ventures towards consistent growth and profitability.

John’s mastery of the DISC profile is nothing short of awe-inspiring. His comprehensive understanding of human behavior and communication styles has been instrumental in helping us identify the most effective approaches to connect with our clients. Through his expert guidance, we’ve been able to tailor our sales strategies to meet the unique needs and preferences of each individual, resulting in more meaningful and fruitful client relationships.

Beyond the realm of business, John has also served as an invaluable spiritual mentor to me. His compassionate and empathetic approach has provided me with a safe space to explore deeper aspects of personal growth and self-discovery. Through his insightful guidance, I have gained a greater sense of clarity, purpose, and alignment in both my professional and personal life.

John’s unwavering dedication to my success and his genuine passion for helping others achieve their full potential is truly commendable. His ability to blend profound business acumen with spiritual wisdom is a rare and invaluable combination that sets him apart as an extraordinary coach and mentor.

In every interaction with John, I am continually inspired by his boundless reservoir of knowledge, his unwavering commitment to my growth, and his genuine desire to see me succeed. I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have John Ruh as my business coach and spiritual mentor, and I wholeheartedly recommend him to anyone seeking profound transformation in their business endeavors and personal growth journey.” Ryan S. CEO 9/28/23

103. “My experience with DISC has been a game changer! It has helped enhance my interactions with others and my ability to co-exist in a team! It has brought more awareness to the way I communicate and perform in my daily life! John and Darlene are wonderful and they do an amazing job breaking down the assessment and supporting me in my journey in discovering my power! I think everyone would benefit from the DISC, I highly recommend!” Yvonne B., RN, BSN, 6/12/23

102. “I really appreciate the DISC because it gave me a clear look at my communication method. Now I know how to judge and then converse with clients and people in a different way. I’m able to kinda judge which personality I’m dealing with.” Salees W., Communications Officer, 6/9/23

101. “I wish I had known about the DISC system earlier in my career. It would have helped me make a lot less mistakes as I was building relationships in my early years. DISC summarizes people into four easier to understand basic profiles. The DISC system gave me and my team the ability to understand people so we could adapt our approaches, not manipulate the individual. This system gives the user, deeper insight into their relationships opening up their ability to strengthen their business and personal relationships. It is THE best system I have experienced.” Bill B., National Sales Manager, 4/23/23

100. “I attended a DISC and Stress Training in January of 2023. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and found it very helpful / insightful. The tools we learned will be a great asset to not only my day to day interaction with various people / departments but will also be a great building block for our company moving forward.” Nora C., Corporate Quality Manager, 2/6/23

99. “The DISC program was great! The assessment of myself (a C) was spot on and really helped me see myself as others do. The tools I learned by doing the DISC assessment can greatly help in distinguishing what type of potential customer I’m working with during each new appointment I have and help them find what they are looking for. I would recommend DISC to anyone looking to improve their people skills, communication skills, or putting teams together to achieve ultimate success. Thanks John!” Scott W., Sales Agent, 2/3/23

98. “John Ruh’s DISC for Sales event at the Network Sales Referral Group, aka NSRG in Arizona was a great success. The group of about a dozen sales professionals was represented by a full mix of each personality type and a robust, interactive and fun discussion. The consensus at the end was we all gained new insight for better communication in the sales process.” Dennis P., President, 1/18/23

97. “I really did learn a lot from these DISC sessions. A couple of the main things that I got out of this program is that during the hardest times in our lives, that’s when we’re learning the most. I also learned from these DISC sessions that no matter how difficult a situation in our life is, it’s only temporary. Learning about the different DISC traits, can help us daily to slow down, and remember that we’re constantly communicating with people that have different views than us, and we need to be mindful of other people’s viewpoints as well as our own.” John E., Customer Support Associate, 1/16/23

96. “I’ve sat in on previous sessions on stress, and other issues, and this one knocked them out of the park. There is just no comparison to the value I got from John’s session vs. the others. I came away fortified with the conviction, one I’d already had by the way, that in many instances one cannot change the situation or circumstances, but one can alter how they react during those stressful times. Of particular impact to me was John’s reference to Victor Frankl’s book, “Man’s Search For Meaning”, a classical example of how, in the most horrific of times, a person can not only survive but also stay strong. I highly recommend John’s session on stress . His ability to involve each person in the discussion makes it an enjoyable and educational experience.” Dave S., Customer Support Associate, 1/13/23

95. “Through this DISC work with John and his team, I’ve come to understand my Disc profile in such a way that it has had an incredible impact in the way I choose to communicate and “show up” as a colleague and leader. Understanding how individuals prefer to communicate, as well as how my communication style is perceived by others, has contributed to a more collaborative and effective environment overall.” Rachel S., Customer Service Manager, 12/12/22

94. “Mr. Ruh has been a great asset to our team. He has really helped us understand the scope of the DISC program and putting it to good use. We have definitely seen an increase in quality of our written and verbal communications, both internally and externally.” Joe C., Manager, 12/8/22

93. “Since getting my DISC profile, I have been much more aware of how I communicate and the need to pay attention to how others do. I feel far more confident in my ability to effectively communicate with people because of this experience.” Paul, 11/18/22

92. “The JMR team do an excellent job from start to finish implementing DISC and Stress (and DISC with 9 other options as well!). They seamlessly roll out the online DISC survey to all the Leaders and Employees, and offer a one on one review with each person to better understand their profile. John and his team do a great job brining DISC to life for in person or Zoom workshops with the various teams. The impact of knowing oneself and others through the DISC review process is imperative for professional excellence, personal awareness and peace of mind. JMR offers a free DISC profile to any leader—I highly recommend taking them up on that offer so you can see for yourself.” Tracy L., 10/7/22

91. “Understanding and using DISC, I understand myself and how to approach others. It is a great tool and training was very enlightening.” Kim, Supplies Sales Specialist, 9/29/22

90. “I found the module, DISC and stress, to be very helpful in identifying what different personalities do when they are stressed. I was able to implement this immediately to identify stress in the workplace. The module also provides great suggestions on how to deal with each personality type under stress, and what different approaches to take to try and reduce stress in the workplace.” Alex D., Director of Business Development, 8/11/22

89. “I find the DISC methodology and insights to be extremely helpful in learning about self and others. The four styles provide context for being able to spot and leverage different strengths, reduce friction and elevate communication across teams.” Brie L., Chief Strategy Officer, 7/11/22

88. “DISC has been an invaluable tool for our company: sales have increased, team projects run smoother, and the culture has improved dramatically. DISC has helped us leverage the strengths of our team members and grow better leaders, through understanding what motivates people and how to clearly communicate with their style.” Denee B., Sr. Account Manager, 6/17/22

87. “Having recently taken a DISC assessment, I was skeptical about the outcome and how accurate it would be. After receiving and reviewing the results and then taking it a step further with John in an additional communication session, my anxiety about communicating with certain personality types has been significantly alleviated and I feel like I have been given new tools for my toolbox that have helped me to be excited and confident about interacting with individuals of all communication styles both professionally and personally! This stuff really works!” Christina H., Operations Manager, 6/6/22

86. “I think DISC has helped my understanding on how to best communicate with different people. In order to better help clients on their level, I think it is essential to understand their DISC profile.” Zach M., Financial Advisor, 6/6/22

85. “When I first heard of the DISC program, I was not quite prepared for what I was about to learn. As I learned more about the program, I became even more involved in using it. Once I received my assessment and a few select others, I was completely amazed at how accurate the information was.” Arthur K., Engineering & Manufacturing, 5/18/22

84. “DISC has been an interesting program to be introduced to. It has given me a different perceptive on how to communicate with my internal and external customers. DISC has also given me a different view on how to improve as a Customer Service Manager.” Stephany F., Customer Service Manager / Export Manager, 7/29/21

83. “DISC is a tool that can be used both professionally and personally with great effect. My work with the DISC tool through John M. Ruh and Associates has helped me “see the unseen” to better understand my own behavioral and communication tendencies and preferences, and more importantly, those of the people with whom I interact.” Todd S., Former President / General Manager, 7/28/21

82. “DISC has allowed me to appreciate and understand that in life, may it be work or personal I will come across people with different personality traits that may be reflective of their own behavioral tendencies. By being a good listener, analyzing, evaluating, and tailoring my own communication style, I can achieve consistent, effective results with little room for miscommunication.” Cedra E., Customer Service Rep, 7/21/21

81. “DISC has truly helped me understand myself better and how I can be better aligned with my team members and clients. It has helped me understand more about culture and the importance of really paying attention to yourself. Everyone has their own unique personality. I greatly appreciate DISC!” Jeff B., Founder, CEO CPA Company, 3/30/21

80. “I found the DISC presentation put on by John M Ruh and Associates Inc to be very insightful. It gave me the perspective on communicating with different personality types that I sometimes overlook. I was able to put the information that John gave our team to use that same day.” Paul C., Controller, 3/26/21

79. “We have enjoyed learning the Disc system with our management team. It has helped us not only better work with each other but also understand and manage the people who work for us. I would highly recommend any team wanting to improve their performance.” Eva J., COO, 3/25/21

78. “Going through DISC profile was an eye opening experience not only about the team that I am working with but also about myself. This exercise help me realize several aspects about my behavior and most importantly the way others process my approach. Strongly recommend the DISC exercise for individuals and teams.” Yuriy P., National Sales Manager, 2/25/21

77. “DISC is an excellent tool for understanding the natural and adaptive leadership styles of you and your team. It adds tremendous value by tailoring individual communications, assessing the collective leadership style of your team and understanding its impact on culture and performance.” Jim G., Business Manager, 2/19/21

76. “Our company has recently begun a continuous improvement program with John M. Ruh and Associates. We have had one meeting as a group, led by John Ruh, and it was very informative. The other members of our group had all taken the DISC profile evaluation to identify their work profile style. It was interesting to see if they agreed with their results. I have since taken the DISC profile and I have talked to Darlene Ruh about my result and how that fits in with working with the other members of our team. She provided much information, insight and suggestions for me. I really enjoyed talking to her and know she will be a helpful resource. I believe that this program will help our company grow in a positive way. I look forward to seeing what our next meetings bring.” Peggy O., Bookkeeper, 2/10/21

75. “Since getting my DISC profile I now have a better understanding of why my emails and messaging were unclear in the past. Using the techniques I learned from DISC I already can see an improvement. My customers and teammates have both commented on the increased efficiency and it is all due to DISC!” Katya, Operations Administrator, 12/11/20

74. “The entertainment and curiosity satisfaction becomes obvious very quickly especially within groups that are familiar with each other. Learning this language of behavior is a great tool for understanding “how” to get to the ” what” you want but perhaps the best “ah ha” moment is learning how others perceive yourself. I recommend adding this to your tool box for personal growth and development!” Dennis P., President Vent Cleaning Service, 9/29/20

73. “This was my first time taking the DISC assessment and I must say it was on point with my personality.  I thought it was very interesting and found it to be helpful, not to mention the great customer service I experienced through my assessment.  I highly recommend taking DISC whether it’s for your career or personal use.” Eva G., Business Development Manager, 5/22/20

72. “I truly enjoyed taking the DISC assessment. It was uncanny how accurate it was. The DISC assessment taught me how to interact with others whose personalities are different than mine. In addition it gave me insight and understanding into my co-workers responses to me so that I can communicate better with them.” Paula R., Business Manager, 2/7/20

71. “I was completely skeptical while taking the DISC test but it hit the nail on the head – it defined my communications style better than I think I could have. Being cognizant of the styles and how to engage them will help me communicate better with others.” Kathy R., Data Specialist, 2/4/20

70. “In the past when I took a personality test I read the results, smiled and nodded, then quickly moved on with my life. This time was different. John helped bring the implications of DISC to life for me and helped me understand personality and communication in a new way. It was very impactful!” Pavel S., Entrepreneur, 10/18/19

69. “I think the DISC profile workshop is great in acknowledging different work personalities and helping everyone realize that with proper communication and understanding one another you can effectively resolve conflicts or issue before they arise, resulting in progress as a team.” Roshan P., Interiors Director, 9/25/19

68. “Thanks to John for a great 90-minute workshop, which put into focus DISC profiles, and instantly improved our ability to communicate and work together.” Cyrus R., Founder/Owner of Architectural Firm, 8/29/19

67. “I have been a trainer for many years now. I would not have believed that “one” DISC Behavior, 2.5 hour learning workshop could hold everyone’s attention and bring out the needed individual and team discussions that took place. It was awesome!” Willie J., President, 8/9/19

66. “The DISC assessment, profiles, and interactions have provided numerous benefits for me and throughout the greater company environment. Being able to assess personalities and interact accordingly definitely improves communication and the overall workplace environment.” Austen S., Sr. Project Engineer, 8/1/19

65. “With my understanding of the various personalities using DISC I have learned how to better “read” people and it has made me more effective in my business and personal life. Knowing how to respond in certain situations is extremely useful.” Chuck Z., Purchasing, 8/1/19

64. “DISC is a great way to learn about yourself, coworkers and other people in your life, and their internal “wiring” or communication style. If used correctly, you can gain a better understanding of not only your own, but other’s behaviors and motivations which will help you improve the way you interact with those around you. Having a better grasp on how to see things from someone else’s point of view has really helped my day-to-day interactions in and outside of the work environment.” Bobbie G., Marketing Communications Director, 8/1/19

63. “I have found it was a positive eye opener as I thought that the way I was analyzed would have had a different outcome. I see that it is a great experience for me to have a better outlook for myself in personal and business aspects. I will be utilizing tools new tools in the future.” Mayra M., Scheduler Assistant, 7/31/19

62. “As one of the newest members of my organization, (I have been here for 3 months), I was pleased to have the opportunity to utilize the DISC analysis and tools to understand the different personality types in my new environment. Culture is and always has been one of the highest priorities for me in a work environment so understanding your fellow colleagues is key. We have since used different opportunities to both develop relationships internally between individuals, as well as, used DISC to promote teamwork and a team oriented culture. Thanks to John and Darlene for providing us with the tools to create a successful team culture.” Jake B., Inventory Asset Manager, 7/31/19

61. “I felt the discussions to be interesting and fact finding about my own behavior, as well as my coworkers. The benefit of knowing how to determine a personality, will benefit when trying to engage in productive meetings and projects.” Tom N., Director of Logistics, 7/30/19

60. “We at first were skeptical of the DISC process. After taking the DISC and reviewing the valuable one on one feedback, as a group we have become believers in the strength of that process.” Mike P., President of International Firm, 5/31/19

59. “I just started my position and off the bat noticed different personalities that I haven’t previously worked with. The DISC profiling really opened my eyes to addressing people differently and giving space when needed. Right after our first meet, I’ve already become aware of how I address certain people so that my “I” doesn’t shine too bright.” Valeria M., Marketing Coordinator, 4/11/19

58. “Great tool. This has helped me become a better manager by giving exact examples of how to communicate with the different personality types, as well as learning more about how to improve my own communications in the business setting.” Nichole K., Finance, Accounting, HR Manager, 2/19/19

57. “In working as a team lead, DISC Profiles has allowed me to cater my message while coaching new employees. By understanding “what makes them tick,” DISC Profiles have facilitated the new employees ramp up process as well as allowed us to develop an effective working relationship.” Susan B., Senior Benefits Specialist, 2/13/19

56. “My experience with DISC and John Ruh was extremely positive. John helped me to understand and adapt to colleagues to improve a successful team environment which adds to our company and its core values. John and his insight helped to improve my second level thinking and approach to Customer Service.” Josh K., Benefits Specialist, 2/4/19

55. “Learning the DISC tool has helped me recognize different the behavioral types and how to best interact with both co-workers and clients. The DISC tool provided me guidance on how to identify the DISC types, understand what motivates each type, and learn how to improve communication while appreciating people’s differences. Since our company has applied the DISC tool, we have learned to identify DISC types while recruiting and it has helped us to make better hiring decisions.” Lisa O., Benefits Manager, 1/29/19

54. “I’ve completed DISC assessment at other companies which helped understand my strengths and weaknesses, and general guidance how to interact with colleagues that are on the DISC spectrum. The difference with John was the tailored advice on how best to present and work together with my core group (We have all completed the DISC at our company). I was able to see results quickly, and have continued to refine and build for more engaging and clearer dialogue and decision making.” Jon K-T, Help Desk, 1/28/19

53. “I am excited to use the DISC Behavioral Profile system when I start my procedure training with the production and office areas. It has given me great insight on how to best convey the material so ALL employees are engaged and excited about the process. I believe the skills that I have learned will definitely improve my communication with the various internal and external departments and customers I work with, along with improving our productivity.” Nora C., 11/26/18

52. “DISC was able to help me understand the areas I struggled in and made me think how I could improve them.” Hunter M., 8/28/18

51. “The DISC assessment made me realize how to properly approach my coworkers. It is a really helpful tool to realize how every individual is different and to respect their natural born style to communicate.” Carlos B., 8/21/18

50. “Really enjoyed the DISC training. Fun and informative. Can’t wait to integrate the system in my training and dealings with customers.” Nora C., 6/20/18

49. “Completing the DISC assessment is an eye opening experience into learning about yourself and is often the first step towards discovering your own self-awareness. It gets you thinking about how you interact with everyone and also how others interact with you. Overall this can be a very important tool to help build stronger relationships with customers, employees and even friends. As a marketing professional, I know after taking this test I am even more aware of how I need to communicate with everyone on an individual basis. I recommend this program for everyone who wants to be a more effective communicator.” James C., V.P. of Marketing 6/6/18

48. “DISC is the perfect foundation for building a professional development program to strengthen every member in your organization.  Using DISC as a foundation, you can enhance communication skills, make conflict productive, develop cohesive teams, grow sales, strengthen customer service, gain management strategies and develop leadership skills.  DISC can help you meet your goals to increase productivity and engagement.” Anna W. 5/17/18

47. “This was a very insightful tool in understanding your management style as well as offering helpful suggestions on communicating with others in the organization based upon their behavioral tendencies.” Dan P, Operations Manager 3/7/18

46. “DISC assessment is a very beneficial tool that improves the communication within an organization. By helping us understand the difference in our behavior styles we are able to communicate effectively as a management team, internally and with our customers. John Ruh provides a great DISC assessment tool that supports personal and business growth.” Wayne K., Plant Manager 2/28/18

45. “The DISC assessment provided our senior team with valuable insight into ourselves as well as other members of the team. We are using this information to guide us in developing an enhanced communication process within our company.” Jim K., President 2/20/18

44. Knowing my DISC profile has helped me take the emotion variable out of my business relationships so I am more focused on my work and streamlining processes. John M. Ruh and Associates provided fantastic insight into the four profiles with a colorful, printed document I continue to refer to again and again.” Michele K, Senior Content Specialist, Marketing Company 1/31/18

43. “DISC is a unique organizational tool that allows teams to better understand how to effectively communicate between each other. The first breakthrough improvement DISC provides to our team is self-awareness; how do we communicate our needs, and how do we respond to the needs of others. This is of paramount importance to high performance teams. Once the self-awareness is realized, we can also practice DISC behavioral tendencies to better empathize with customers and prospects, allowing for a differentiated sales process.” Antonio B., Director of Sales, Mexico 11/13/17

42. “When you answer every question honestly, the results are astoundingly accurate! DISC has helped me learn how to communicate with different people my your team seamlessly which makes for a better work environment!” Cathy E., Staff Accountant 11/9/17

41. “As a recruiter, the DISC program is a great tool that helps me quickly identify other’s profile to better understand how to communicate effectively for both internal employees and external candidates. John & Darlene are very helpful and responsive, it’s a pleasure working with them.” Erin R, Recruitment and Talent Development Manager, 10/19/17

40. “The DISC program helped me a lot in getting a better understanding in why customers and partners say yes or no to certain proposals. Also internally where my USA colleagues are internal customers and partners, DISC can help you to understand them better and overcome cultural differences. Because these differences are present and if we do not admit this, a lot of time and money can be wasted.

Complex questions and challenges can often been brought back to simple answers and solutions if you have a better understanding of the person(s) you are talking to and DISC can help you in this.” Wim N, Sales, 10/2/17

39. “The DISC Behavioral Profile system has been very instrumental in helping our sales force identify individual personality types as they meet with prospective clients. By discovering the individuals “strengths and weakness”, the sales person is able to create an effective game plan when interacting and selling the prospect. The same can be said for the team working with the internal staff, better communication among the team and staff will create a more productive team and a better product or service for the customers.” David N, Director of Sales & Strategic Alliances, 9/5/17

38. “Having insight into how people with different DISC profiles see the world and interact in it has been helpful in my professional and personal life. My life is easier when I can see things from another person’s perspective and evaluate a situation based on that.” Carolyn L, Sr. Software Engineering Manager, 8/8/17

37. “The DISC program has been helpful with my own self-awareness as well as providing a bit of insight into all key stakeholders within my new work group.” Deana G, Business Unit Director, 8/7/17

36. “Disc has been very useful for me throughout my career. It has helped me in my self-development, in the development of high performing synergistic teams and in hiring the right people for the job.” Mark P, Sales Executive, 8/7/17

35. “DISC has helped me be more aware of how to work with others.” Melissa K, Manager, IT Project Management, 8/4/17

34. “DISC has helped me appreciate my direct reports’ need for order and routine. This is a weakness of mine and we complement each other well!” Jill H., HR Manager, 8/4/17

33. “DISC provided me some keen insight into my own work style, but just as important helped me identify better ways to communicate with my team.” Allison C., Digital Marketing Director, 6/19/17

32. “DISC is helping me see the different behavioral traits of our clients and their employee’s. It’s been helpful to use it around my work colleagues as well.” Maria A., HR Executive Assistant, 6/18/17

31. “The DISC tool has helped increase my emotional intelligence and awareness of the different personalities in our team. We continue to leverage that awareness by speaking to our team members in their preferred language, resulting in reduced conflict and helping us accomplish objectives much faster.” Lisa D., Product Manager, 6/9/17

30. “In today’s work environment, there is great emphasis put on building a culture where people can flourish. DISC has given me the understanding of the different behavioral traits and how to properly manage them in an effort to create this culture.” Tim B., Engineering Manager, Manufacturing Company, 5/18/17

29. “Running through my business life I always assumed that the experience would one day give me enough talent to influence others to get the results I wanted. Having the knowledge of DISC and understanding how to speak to each client and employee’s language has been the equivalent of being given a short cut to the championship round.” Ryan S., CEO Building Firm, 5/18/17

28. “DISC is an essential tool for becoming a more effective leader. It helped me better understand others, enhance communication and build stronger relationships.” Jim G., VP of Finance, 3/23/17

27. “Using DISC to know their behavioral traits and communication style, has helped me to have more effective interaction and an added sensitivity with, and for, the folks I collaborate with throughout a given day.” Ken A., Sr. Engineer, 3/20/17

26. “John really connected the dots and showed my team the value that DISC has to offer. He armed us with the tools to be stronger communicators with our own clients.” Kurt C., Design Manager, 3/15/17

25. “The DISC behavioral tool helps one understand how people behave, what motivates them and how they interact with others. By utilizing and understanding the DISC one develops better relationships.” Debra M., 3/13/17

24. “I loved experiencing the feedback on DISC not only to understand myself better, but also to help me understand how others are different than me and how I can adjust how I handle different people/situations depending on their style as well! I also use DISC to notice where I might need to “tone down” a particular strength that might be actually coming on too strong for different personality types. Thank you John and Darlene Ruh!” Tracy L., 3/13/17

23. “I learned DISC in the eighties. Since then, it has played some role in every single relationship I have developed, mostly around motivational cues.” Paul M., Marketing Consultant, 3/10/17

22. “The DISC Analysis is a tool our company uses to communicate with employees during their monthly One on One meetings with their Manager. It also provides us with beneficial information on whether an employee is “On the right seat of the Bus”.” Debbie W, HR Manager, 3/9/17

21. “After having our employees and managers complete DISC, ownership was better able to put people in a position to succeed by giving them the tools to best suit their skill set.” Brett K., President, 3/8/17

20. “I have now used the DISC tool within two different organizations with amazing results. In both cases we were able to greatly improve communication, management and performance at all levels by understanding how each team member processed information and requests. It also allowed us to launch new initiatives and drive cultural change more effectively as we could position the message appropriately. Excellent tool that can be used at all levels and in the hiring process.” Glenn G., VP 3/7/17

19. “DISC is a great tool to help you understand, not only your own communication and behavioral style, but that of others as well. A fundamental knowledge of DISC will help you build and maintain strong, long-term relationships.” Andy R., Business Consultant, 3/6/17

18. “DISC was critical in tailoring my management style to promote the highest level of engagement and success from team members.” Jim C., Business Manager, 3/6/17

17. “We have an organization that is running fast with multiple initiatives, diverse resources and, aggressive business goals. DISC has allowed my team to significantly improve our communication in order to move our business forward. I’d strongly recommend this tool to any business leader that is looking to improve their team dynamics.” Tony C., GM, 3/6/17

16. “DISC opened my eyes to the differences in my employees and the need to treat each one individually.” David G., President, 3/6/17

15. “Our sales team uses the DISC behavior tool to better understand what motivates potential clients to partner with us. Our leadership team also benefits from DISC to better relate with their team members and each other.” Jeff B., President, 3/6/17

14. “I think we can all agree that communication is critical at any organization. The difference between communicating effectively and ineffectively could be the difference between succeeding or failing. Would you mitigate the “communication breakdown variable” if you had the chance?? Well, you do! It’s called DISC.” Jeremy H., Exec VP, Sales and Fulfillment, 3/6/17

13. “DISC is a tool that every organization must have in their toolbox. It provides an easy way to discuss behaviors and understand ourselves and others. If done well, it gives us a powerful advantage in dealing with real client situations and improving internal teamwork.” Todd G., CEO 3/6/17

12. “Disc has improved my knowledge of not only my own required communication style but how better to identify the needs of those I have to communicate with. It has provided leveling to the communication field!” Kim H., Plant Manager, 3/3/17

11. “When communicating with your internal or external customers, you must speak the language they understand. Personality types are like languages, and an accurate DISC profile provides the translation tools allowing you to maximize the impact of your message.” Slawomir K., Business Unit Manager, 3/3/17

10. “DISC has been a powerful tool to help me identify the best tools to manage others’ expectations.” Jackie C., Business Owner/PR Marketing firm, 3/3/17

9. “Early on when we rolled out DISC® to the Sales Department, your ‘Sales Closing Tips’ were extremely helpful in our DISC sales program. First, we educated them on what the DISC concepts are. Then, we taught them how to read and recognize the profile of the customer on the phone. The important piece was for the AE’s to adapt their style and sales approach to the potential customer on the phone. This last piece is critical, because at the end of the day adapting the sales and closing, based on the profile, is what greatly impacts sales and results.”
Lara F., Training director for an insurance company

8. “I have found the DISC tool to be invaluable in providing managers with insight into their leadership styles. I use it with all my leadership teams and in executive coaching engagements.”
Catherine P., Owner of a diversity training company

7. “By using the DISC Profile, we have discovered an objective way to understand how different candidates are ‘wired,’ for lack of a better word. This helps us match the specific individual’s strengths with the tasks of the job as well as helps us maintain their compatibility with our corporate culture. That has significantly helped reduce turnover.”
Barry W., Owner of a national motorcycle accessory manufacturer

6. “In 2005, after a thorough process including DISC and other assessments, I hired a controller, Bob, for my $12-million-annual-revenue manufacturing business. Despite early evidence that the staffing decision was not a fit, I suffered with it for two years, determined to make it work. In 2007, I made the long-overdue decision to go back to the drawing board. After another thorough process, this time with John’s help, a hire was made. A new controller, Mark, was put in place to run our now $20-million-annual-revenue business. After a month, I was convinced I had made another mistake, and this time was determined not to suffer with it for two years but rather take immediate action. I called John and said, ‘…talk me off the ledge. I’m afraid I’ve made another mistake, but I don’t want to overreact based on my traumatic experience with Bob, stubbornly sticking with a bad fit for two years.’ John did talk me off the ledge, he reinforced and provided insights to Mark’s personal style and what I needed to do to help him through the on-boarding process. John predicted, ‘…if you hang in there, Mark will do great things for you….’ John was correct. Today in 2010, Mark remains a perfect fit, as controller and key contributor to our now $38-million-annual-revenue business. Without John’s insight, I would likely have compounded my first staffing error with a second one. “
Ray P., CEO of a manufacturing company

5. “DISC has been very helpful to me in understanding myself and others better as well as how to better communicate with people. I know to be more patient, read people and then communicate in a way with which they will be comfortable. It has helped me both in business as well as in my personal relationships. John is a great interpreter of an individual’s communication style, and he knows how to coach to make everyone more effective.”
Jim Waszak, Dynamic Sales Innovations, Inc.

4. “I use the DISC in two ways.

1) When selling to future clients, I ask some upfront questions to the decision maker, or a sales influencer regarding the decision maker, to get ideas on what type of personality they have regarding the DISC. Then, I speak to that person the way they would like to be spoken to.

2) Since 1998, I have been ‘The Wrap Up Speaker’ at DeVry in a required class for seniors called ‘Career Development.’ In this 1-1/2 hour speech, the objective is to:

1) Understand What You Want from Your Career.

2) Understand What a Company Wants When Hiring an Employee.

I discuss finding a career that fits your personality, and then I discuss the DISC in detail.”
Lou C., Vice President Business Development, ARS Technology, Inc.

3. “Understanding DISC behavioral profiles has helped me tremendously in both my personal and professional relationships. It’s taught me how to be less judgmental and more tolerant of different behavioral styles. It’s also a great team-building tool!”
Debbie R., Owner of a business consulting firm

2. “Using DISC makes recruiting easier and more effective from beginning to end. In writing a recruitment description, you can gear it for finding a ‘D’ who responds to a challenge or for finding an ‘S’ who will respond to a secure position featuring long-term employment. In doing an interview, once you understand a candidate’s profile, you can use the words that will make them feel safe and comfortable enough to tell you all you need to know. And, once you hire someone, their profile will make it easier for their manager to work with them and give them the support they need to be an ‘8, 9, or 10′ employee. DISC isn’t exactly magic, but it’s close.”
Scott U., Owner of a recruiting/employee alignment firm

1. “Using the DISC has helped in many ways in my business as a recruiter. It helps me understand differences in such a ‘user-friendly’ way that my ability to assess clients’ needs is so accurate that I work much more effectively and efficiently when hiring for them. It also is wonderful information to apply when interviewing candidates. The DISC is consistent in helping me to determine their wants and needs and to clarify their skill set. It has certainly helped me to be more successful in putting the ‘right people in the right position with the right company.'”
Pam Anderson, Anderson Enterprises