John M. Ruh and Associates offers stand-alone program options that can also flow nicely into a three step DISC progression to provide a straightforward approach for all clients, new and long-term!
Explore Any of These Options Independently or As a 3 Step Approach
Step 1: The Introduction to DISC
- Learn the power of DISC
- Take the assessment, receive profile review and our introduction to DISC package
- 20 minute explanation to answer your questions and gain insight on your behavioral style
- Simple pricing–$80 per participant, 1 free trial per company, 10 paid get 1 free
Step 2: One-on-One Program
- Includes everything from Introduction
- One-on-one discussion using introduction to disc package to better understand yourself and others. This 1-1 session can give you a deeper understanding of what to do with all behavioral styles and an optional exercise to do that can transform your relationships or communication skills.
- JMR clients: no charge other than profile discounted 20% and $175.00 per person for all others plus cost of profile
Step 3: Customized Group Workshops
- Suggest this be done after steps one and two however can be stand-alone
- 120-minute customized, business-specific Group Session on-site (Chicagoland area) or via Zoom
- Group discussion on team DISC profiles, plus master compilation chart
- Group instruction on the use of DISC for development intent (sales, leadership, customer support, etc.)
- Application and scenario-specific exercises
- $850.00 plus cost of disc tools discounted 20% for group session
DISC Client Programs
Alternatively, John M Ruh and Associates can offer you a disc/culture based leadership client quarterly program to gain “unlimited access” to our Business Advisory services and the DISC programs above, with no additional cost other than the cost of the actual DISC tool. For more information and click 10 DISC Applications.