The Cultural Implications of DISC

 John Ruh  Business Culture, DISC

The Cultural  Implications of DISC Learning to understand individual behavior and personality elements and their collective impact on groups is a significant aspect and benefit of the DISC Profile tool. Ultimately, the collective dynamics of individuals creates and sustains cultures of nations, organizations and teams. Therefore, DISC is a highly viable tool for defining and promoting effective cultures based on understanding.

Call Darlene at 773-775-6636 or send an email and request one FREE
profile per company to learn how to develop a more effective team culture through DISC profiles.

What DISC Offers from a Cultural Perspective

  • Improved understanding and sensitivity to global cultural differences.
  • Culture-appropriate communications.

Key Benefits

  • Enhanced effectiveness of global teams and efficient communications.
  • Improved sales impact for global marketing organizations.

Learn more about DISC and Culture by requesting John to facilitate a 60 minute meeting at your company to discuss the impact of an effective team culture. Call 773-775-6636.