Posts Categorized: Continuous Improvement


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By Thich Nhat Hanh All about the power of stopping! Note: This is written from Buddhist perspective/language so if that does not work for you put in your words! My dear friends, suppose someone is holding a pebble and throws it in the air and the pebble begins to fall down into a river. After… Read more »

Are Circumstances Running Your Life?

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“I have no time” “I have no time for me” “My circumstance don’t allow me to take care of myself” Sound Familiar? We all have circumstances that we must deal with; however, highly successful responsible leaders accept/own them, and move to “now what” faster than most thereby learning how to support themselves, their team or… Read more »

The Power of Structure

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Do you feel under pressure/stress constantly? Do you lack time for important projects…everyday tasks…yourself? Need a uniform effective way of doing things? If so, you most likely have a structure challenge. Consider Trying Three Steps: Step 1 – Take Ownership Understanding and accepting this is your issue and not falling into the trap of playing… Read more »

Are You Chasing Your Tail?

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Every one of us perceives ourselves and our place in life through a set of “prescription glasses” that may or may not give a clear sense of reality. Those glasses are our Ego… Your Ego Is: One’s self-perception/image, or in philosophical terms, one’s “self.” It’s often how you answer the question “I am _____”. How… Read more »

The 1% Rule

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Are you dedicating 1.68 hours a week or more to Continuous Improvement? If not, why not? What is the 1% Rule? It states that, at a minimum, you should dedicate 1.68 hours, (that’s 101 minutes), per week or 7+ hours per month or 87 hours per year working on Continuous Improvement. Why Bother? It is… Read more »

Brushing Your Teeth

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What on earth does brushing your teeth have to do with business? Further, what does it have to do with enriching one’s life (besides improving dental hygiene?) The Point Of course, all of us, (I hope), make time to brush our teeth daily. It is a habit that was taught to us as children, and… Read more »

The Invisible Crisis – Coronavirus Time and The Power of Vision and Right Context

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As leaders, we need to ask ourselves at least three hard questions. Who are we? Given our individual circumstances during the COVID environment, what must our vision now be? What is the needed context/set of right beliefs that will support success in our coming market? Brief History Society and the human experience have changed dramatically… Read more »

Thomas Jefferson – The Power of a Declaration and Right Context

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“Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” ….. “All men are created equal” ……. I love colonial history, and especially enjoy relating it to life and business today. Here are some of my thoughts, and a write up discussing Jefferson, plus a link to a blog on the “Power of a Declaration”. Speaking Leader to… Read more »

Supporting Effective Change Management

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We address one of the most difficult topics in all organizations, change management, through a more comprehensive appreciation of individual perspectives. Utilizing the DISC Profile Tool, leaders can learn how different personal styles react to change situations, and proactively prepare teams for smoother and more effective adjustments. John Ruh and Associates will facilitate effective Change… Read more »

Continuous Improvement: Stop Learning – Start Dying

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“Once you stop learning, you start dying” Who said this? Thomas Edison Walt Disney Albert Einstein If you guessed Albert Einstein, you were right. However, both Edison and Disney were known to be fanatical about continuous improvement, discovery and innovation. Do you have a continuous improvement program for yourself, your team or your company? We… Read more »