Thomas Jefferson – The Power of a Declaration and Right Context

 John Ruh  Continuous Improvement, Culture, Leadership, Professional Development, Vision

“Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” …..

“All men are created equal” …….

I love colonial history, and especially enjoy relating it to life and business today. Here are some of my thoughts, and a write up discussing Jefferson, plus a link to a blog on the “Power of a Declaration”. Speaking Leader to Leader, let’s start a conversation on these three ideas:

  1. Making a New Declaration – Regardless of your present circumstances, consider the idea of making a new “declaration” for yourself, your team or company and then putting in place a unique culture with the right P.S.T. support.
  2. Defining your American Dream – Jefferson had a deep belief in American exceptionalism. Translated to today’s world is the idea that your dream is possible if you apply yourself and utilize your gifts wisely. Read more about Jefferson here:
  3. Practice Entrepreneurial Thinking – Jefferson had deep beliefs about individual freedom and self-reliance vs expecting that the government, your company, boss, or significant other will make your dream come true. I call this Entrepreneurial Thinking. Read the Jefferson blog a second time.

Consider Doing the Following:
The power of making your own declaration combined with the right context and the right P.S.T. support to transform your life, that of your team, and possibly your company.

Worth a Conversation?
If so, call/email me at 773-641-9631 or