As leaders, we need to ask ourselves at least three hard questions. Who are we? Given our individual circumstances during the COVID environment, what must our vision now be? What is the needed context/set of right beliefs that will support success in our coming market? Brief History Society and the human experience have changed dramatically… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Vision
Thomas Jefferson – The Power of a Declaration and Right Context
“Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” ….. “All men are created equal” ……. I love colonial history, and especially enjoy relating it to life and business today. Here are some of my thoughts, and a write up discussing Jefferson, plus a link to a blog on the “Power of a Declaration”. Speaking Leader to… Read more »
Achieving Your Vision Personally and Professionally

Everyone needs a vision. You may call it your goals, your game plan, expectations, ambitions, life’s purpose, or hopes and dreams. However no matter what you call it, it is there! Since my teenage years, I have been intrigued about how we account for the truly extraordinary, exceptional people – the creative thinkers, the outstanding… Read more »
Vision, Context, Commitment, Responsibility (VCCR)
Like many teenagers, I longed for success. To achieve that success, I began to study the personal qualities and behavior that separates high achievers from ordinary performers. Later, in my business life, I was fortunate to meet and interview many highly successful individuals, and I would always ask what they saw as “their secret.” From… Read more »
Vision, Morale and Productivity
The manner in which vision, morale, and productivity interrelate can sound complicated and confusing. Yet these three ideas have a continuous impact on each other whether we realize it or not. Understanding that relationship can help you see how your vision affects your morale and productivity. How I designed my theory of maximum productivity: At… Read more »
Interview on DISC, Entrepreneurship and Culture
John Ruh was recently interviewed by Jim Waszak, co-host of Seize Your Business. In the pilot episode of this business focused video series, John explains how DISC supports successful entrepreneurship, culture and how to define your niche market. Throughout the interview, John offers practical advice on business, DISC and leadership styles. Some of the key highlights… Read more »
5 Easy Steps to Establishing and Pursuing Your Vision

Overview I was influenced by the power of vision at age 16. Around the age of 19 I really become obsessed with this subject and success in general. I read, researched and studied companies like Disney. I also read numerous books by highly successful people to better understand their secrets. I was fortunate as a… Read more »
Would You Spend 93,600 Hours Doing Something You Did Not Enjoy?

“Of course not!” you say. Yet most of us will devote at least that much of our lifetime to our profession. That means for 11,700 days or over 46 years, many people work at jobs that are filled with feelings of discouragement, exhaustion and stagnation. This problem is universal. It can happen to you whether… Read more »
I’m Living Proof You Don’t Need Nuttin’ to be Successful

Do you have doubts about your ability to succeed? Have you met with naysayers along the way? Has your confidence been shaken? Well, perhaps my experience will give you hope. As a plumber’s son, my dad told me that I didn’t know what end of the plunger to use (and he was right). By age… Read more »
The One-Hour Interview

The One-Hour Interview By: John Ruh Like most of you, I have been intrigued, challenged and frustrated by the recent business climate. It has stimulated me to think again about how we account for the truly extraordinary, exceptional people — the creative thinkers, the outstanding performers, the dynamic catalysts for change. What is the secret… Read more »
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Using the DiSC has helped in many ways in my business as a recruiter. It helps me understand differe...
Pam Anderson, Anderson Enterprises -
Using DISC makes recruiting easier and more effective from beginning to end. In writing a recruitmen...
Scott U., owner of a recruiting/employee alignment firm -
Understanding DiSC behavioral profiles has helped me tremendously in both my personal and profession...
Debbie R., owner of a business consulting firm -
I use the DISC in two ways. 1) When selling to future clients, I ask some upfront questions to the d...
Lou C., vice president business development, ARS Technology, Inc. -
DISC has been very helpful to me in understanding myself and others better as well as how to better ...
Jim Waszak, Dynamic Sales Innovations, Inc.