Posts Categorized: Leadership

The 3 C’s of Japan’s Culture

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By Todd Stukenberg and John M. Ruh Japan is a nation, and more importantly, a society, driven by a strong and ancient culture. What are some of the key foundational pillars of that culture? What does it offer to those of us from other parts of the world and cultures? The 3C’s of Japan’s culture… Read more »

3 Obvious Signs You Have a Culture Issue!

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Is there a problem with your culture that is holding you back? 3 obvious signs: The people on the team can’t easily articulate where you are going or cite the immediate “big things/goals” (this is a vision issue). Not everyone understands “Why” we are in the business (other than profit which is uninspiring (mission/purpose issue)…. Read more »

Are you Level 1, 2, or 3 Leader?

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Culture Based Leadership is built on the premise that everyone is the leader of their life and master of their craft regardless of their role. Growing one’s leadership abilities, regardless of role, needs to be a habit like “brushing one’s teeth”. To grow, however, you must first understand where your leadership skillset is. Here is… Read more »

Stubborn as a Mule?

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I am slow to change and think things to death.” “My fears/concerns keep me from taking action.” “I rarely ask for help and many times when I do it is too late.” Sound Familiar? The Irony: Your steadiness/determination (also loyalty and commitment), which is your strength, when unchecked becomes “stubbornness” and your liability. You tend… Read more »


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By Thich Nhat Hanh All about the power of stopping! Note: This is written from Buddhist perspective/language so if that does not work for you put in your words! My dear friends, suppose someone is holding a pebble and throws it in the air and the pebble begins to fall down into a river. After… Read more »

DISC and Your Ego

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You have done a DISC profile and now you want to become more aware of how your behavioral style affects others…but somehow your ego seems to get in the way. How can you overcome this? (Warning: This may not be easy reading. It is meant for the serious student who wants to be more conscious… Read more »

Women Empowering Women Development Program

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What is the Women Empowering Women Concept? Women Empowering Women is the spirit of mutually uplifting, supporting and empowering women. Our approach is to create opportunities to share, mentor and guide each other through interaction that is unique to women. Our Development Program offers different approaches. The first creates an atmosphere of Women’s Empowerment by… Read more »

Stress Affects Everyone…Want a Simple Remedy?

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A Simple Tool for Managing Stress Stress (both personal and career/work driven) is an unavoidable part of life for nearly everyone. However, enhanced self-awareness and understanding can make the stress drivers in life very manageable. DISC and Stress is a proven tool created by John M Ruh Associates based upon decades of direct, real-world research… Read more »

Are Circumstances Running Your Life?

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“I have no time” “I have no time for me” “My circumstance don’t allow me to take care of myself” Sound Familiar? We all have circumstances that we must deal with; however, highly successful responsible leaders accept/own them, and move to “now what” faster than most thereby learning how to support themselves, their team or… Read more »

Carl Jung Executive Summary

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Overview Carl Jung, the founder of Analytical Psychology, was born in Switzerland, (1875-1961). While a young man, training to become an internist, he had what some might call an epiphany and switched his studies to psychiatry, and ultimately became internationally known for creating what today is called Analytical Psychology. By most accounts, Jung had a… Read more »