What Should We Expect Next?

 John Ruh  Uncategorized

Speaking Leader to LeaderWhat:

  • Is/will be your “normal”?
  • Will your upcoming market look like?
  • Should you do NOW to find, focus, and retain our 8, 9 and 10 * Players?

Speaking Leader to Leader,

We are all experiencing a “changed world” and need to review at least the last 6 months and perhaps the entire period since the beginning of the pandemic and then project our coming market. Given that, what steps do we take? Here are our thoughts—please share yours:

Three Key Areas to Consider Right Now:

As leaders we need to:

  1. Re-look at our business in the context of the coming market using culture as your foundation. Why Culture? It helps answer the 5 foundational questions we all must ask (click to read more)
  2. Engage everyone on your team. How? Two suggestions: First, pull all together to discuss your cultural foundation (values, mission, vision) and what to expect for the 2nd half of 2021. Second, execute a survey of your team to gauge where your culture stands. Both give your people a voice and will increase retention and performance.
  3. Make Change/Continuous Improvement a habit like brushing our teeth (click to read more). Why? We all must evolve and improve or face declining results and becoming obsolete. It sounds dramatic, however change or die. And when C.I. is a habit change can become painless and impactful.

Let’s Talk!

Ask us for one free session to discuss “what’s Next?” with you/your team and start the process of creating an empowering culture and future for yourself and your team/company.