Our decades of work with clients has led us to the observation that the number one cost for most businesses is keeping people whose cost exceeds value. You cannot win the game in today’s market with mediocre employees and keeping them can, at times, drive out your top performers. So why do so many leaders continue to do this if it is a losing proposition? The key reason is they don’t have a recruiting program in place that allows replacing the 4, 5 or 6 player with a 7, 8 or 9 player.
Scott Urban, a recruiting and talent management expert with more than 30 years in the field, says companies need to “Lose the people you can’t afford to keep and keep the people you can’t afford to lose”.
This Challenge can be summarized as:
- We put up with mediocrity because we are afraid we can’t replace them with someone better.
- We cannot be successful without solid inside/outside leadership plus key role players.
- Most methods of recruiting are reactive and ineffective since recruiting often isn’t staffed or resourced with the time, expertise and tools needed.
The Solution:
Our proven effective program, “Recruiting Like a Pro” is a model that works.
What does that mean?
Model your efforts after the leaders in recruiting. Top professional sports teams never let their H.R. Generalist handle recruitment. There is too much on his/her plate to spend the time needed to do the job properly. That goes double for your CFO. And why expect your line people to do this? They have neither the time nor the know-how to do recruiting right.
So who does it then?
An assigned, experienced dedicated 1099 contract recruiter who will represent only your firm. One who first and foremost understands your culture, your way of doing business and your people. This resource can effectively execute the focused, proven 5 step program and processes of the “Recruiting Like a Pro” model.
What does this all cost? – “When done right it is a cost savings” John Ruh
This program when developed and executed properly can eliminate your number one HR cost of keeping people whose cost exceeds their value and can minimize retained or contingent recruiting fees.
Introductory offer:
Take a trial run with this model with a one-time discount. Let us meet with you and your team to discuss your talent requirements and gaps and introduce our program and model to your organization.
Next Step – Call/email John at 773-641-9631 or john@johnruh.com.
Written by John Ruh
John M. Ruh and Associates are mission based business advisors who partner with growth oriented leaders to create the right P.S.T. support: the right People, the right Structure and the right Tools.