3 Points and a Solution
- While Jung’s variously named 4-dimensional index tools are highly effective, Five Star, best practice tools to help one see the hard-wired, natural traits of a person, they do have limitations.
- They fail to identify any aspect of a person’s values, mission, purpose, skills, experience, education, I.Q., or level of awareness/consciousness.
- These traits are especially important since, without them, an individual will most likely not be successful at a specific task and become frustrated. For instance, an individual with low “C” traits (details), would have a hard time doing payroll accurately and would likely be stressed out trying.
The Solution: Learn The Culture-Based Recruiting Model
When you employ this model, you assess people in 3 key areas:
- Culture alignment (the “non-negotiable” area)
- Skills, Experience, and Education
- Traits
When you have a Recruitment Description/Blueprint that evaluates any potential hire in these three key areas and describes a perfect 10, your potential success in hiring increases significantly. Key point: never start any search without this leading-edge document in place.
To quote Scott Urban, a business partner of mine, “most companies hire people for what they can do and fire them for who they are”.
This new culture-based recruitment model can transform your recruiting process.
Worth a conversation?
Call / email me at john@johnruh.com or 773-641-9631.
Introductory Offer
Reach out to John Ruh at john@johnruh.com and ask him for 50% off your first power culture-based recruitment description. (Note: this is not a job description)
Written by John Ruh
John M. Ruh and Associates are mission based business advisors who partner with growth oriented leaders to create the right P.S.T. support: the right People, the right Structure and the right Tools.