Follow the Recipe – 3 Steps to Annual Business Planning

 John Ruh  Business Culture

Not all of us like to cook but we all know that recipes have measurements and directions for a reason! Check out our 3 Steps to Annual Business Planning.

We absolutely positively must successfully close the current, get our strategic initiatives/continuous improvement projects done well, and design a rock-solid game plan (be it individual, departmental, or company) so we can enroll the support we need to have a successful new year.

It takes time to create and refine an effective annual business plan, so let’s start now.

3 Steps to Annual Business Planning

Step 1: November: Focus: Annual Review (everyone)

  • Do an annual company survey to get everyone’s input so we can enroll all stakeholders and show respect.
  • Review/analyze your budget/preliminary new year budget.
  • Complete all key current year continuous improvement initiatives/projects.

Step 2: December: Focus: New Year’s Game Plan

  • With key inside and outside manager/leaders create a game plan for next year.
  • Managers do their departmental plans and possibly complete annual individual reviews.
  • Make sure budget and support needs (including key continuous improvement initiatives) are outlined to support A & B.

Step 3: January: Focus: Roll Out of Game Plan

  • By January 15th effectively roll out key new year goals. Ideally this will include your long-term vision, mission and key values that will give a code of conduct. As a group, outline the support you truly need.
  • Review the roles and mission of each position and put them into the game plan.
  • Have key continuous improvement initiatives started as a habit for the new year (critical to make it a habit vs. doing only when problems occur).

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