By Todd Stukenberg and John M. Ruh
Japan is a nation, and more importantly, a society, driven by a strong and ancient culture. What are some of the key foundational pillars of that culture? What does it offer to those of us from other parts of the world and cultures?
The 3C’s of Japan’s culture
Courtesy, Cleanliness and Continuous improvement are values embedded into the way of life in Japan, in all aspects of society. From individual interactions among citizens moving in the bustle of the cities, to commercial interactions when doing business, to government services, these tenets of the culture are clearly evident.
What can it teach us all?
The importance of making continuous improvement a habit (like brushing our teeth) and why values (our non-negotiables), are so important as guide stones to how culture can flourish and have a positive impact.
How can I integrate our culture more wisely into finding, focusing, supporting, and retaining our most important and significant investment: our people?
Setting your defined culture in writing and using it as the foundation to understand your game plan/your way of doing business creates a solid foundation for all to work from. This “invisible guide,” your culture, is “The DNA” of your organization.
Additional thoughts: Summary points on Japanese culture from John’s trip this year and Todd Stukenberg’s observations from doing business in Japan over many years:
- Japan’s culture is built on these 3 C’s and is a living culture (it is constantly reinforced and supported among the people).
- In Japan, there is no “me” or “you,” only “we” and people are trained from early age to subordinate their ego. It is a much more selfless society and no one “loses face.”
- Critical elements of culture: personal responsibility, discipline, honor, and respect (which are being degraded in most modern western cultures) are not only alive in Japan but are still required as they have been for millennia.
- Japan’s culture is much more homogeneous than in other parts of the world; regardless of geographic region or urban/rural differences. This is due to the pervasive value system that has been upheld and understood throughout history. This makes for significant harmony among citizens.
Additional Support
- If interested email John at and ask John for his personal write up on traveling in Japan
- Ask for hard copy of our Why Bother with Business Culture pamphlet or download now at
- Ask for a visit with us and 30 day no obligation partnering offer to discuss the power of culture and review how you might build a unique, empowering culture for yourself, your team/company.
Written by John Ruh
John M. Ruh and Associates are mission based business advisors who partner with growth oriented leaders to create the right P.S.T. support: the right People, the right Structure and the right Tools.