3 Obvious Signs You Have a Culture Issue!

 John Ruh  Business Culture, Leadership, Professional Development

Is there a problem with your culture that is holding you back?

3 obvious signs:

  1. The people on the team can’t easily articulate where you are going or cite the immediate “big things/goals” (this is a vision issue).
  2. Not everyone understands “Why” we are in the business (other than profit which is uninspiring (mission/purpose issue).
  3. The “non-negotiables” on conduct/behavior are not understood or enforced (values issue).

The JMR Commitment

We promise to partner with you to:

  • Define your Culture Right!
    Define your culture right in a powerful, practical game plan format that can be used in finding, focusing, and supporting/retaining your most important and expensive resource….your players (more here).
  • Create incredible Inside/Outside Leadership with a new company-wide context
    Institute three levels of leadership, built on your culture, and a context that inspires the entire team as leaders of their own life and role, establishing continuous improvement as a habit, like brushing your teeth. (more here).
  • Put in Place the right “P.S.T.” Support
    Put in place the right P.S.T. support: the right People, the right Structure, and the right Tools.

Are You Ready to Explore This?

2 Leadership Events (or click the red button above).

We also offer one month of no-cost partnering to test what a unique, empowering culture can do for you and your team.

Call John Ruh at 773-641-9631 or send him an email for more information!