What is the Ruh Advanced Leadership Program?
Ruh Advanced Leadership Model is a program offering three levels of support to help employees work toward their personal and professional goals. Basic to comprehensive models are available to accommodate all levels of an organization from entry level to executives.
What is the Ruh Advanced Leadership Program?
It’s a support program for both employees and management. It employs strong self-image and leadership components which, when practiced over time, improve self awareness, self management and performance.
What is its vision?
To provide enhanced performance through a change in self-image.
What is its mission?
Assisting the client at creating the support truly needed to achieve Ruh Advanced Leadership Program goals.
What are its key goals?
- Teaching the individual to see, acknowledge and understand how the core self (all parts of who you are including your vision and goals, mission, values, traits, skills, experience, education, etc.) should be properly utilized.
- To develop a simple strategy designed to capitalize on individual strengths and minimize weaknesses.
- To support people better through a continuous process of introducing them to the right programs, processes, models and people.
Any side benefits?
For some a transformative, beneficial awareness.
What Problems Does it Solve?
- It eliminates the repetitive mistakes and cycles that happen when you don’t fully understand and acknowledge yourself and what your true potential is. I call this: Success-Sabotage
- It support you at creating the right beliefs system, the right context and the right habits to foster successful personal performance.
The Program looks like this:
Ruh Advanced Leadership Program Formula
Right Habits + Right Skills + Right Results = Money, Benefits and a Sense of Accomplishment
What Makes This Program Unique?
Most programs only address content issues. This program deals with content AND context issues, helping you manage yourself from the inside out. Example: If a sales person believes he/she “could never” make a six figure income, it is unlikely that he/she ever will. All the content training in the world will not achieve a person’s goals if they lack the context to make it work.
Why Do It?
Because it works. Company results improve as employees develop effective beliefs and habits. Habits create skills, skills create results and results translate into money, benefits and a sense of accomplishment. Individual growth promotes company growth.
The Philosophy/Beliefs of This Approach:
People must believe they can achieve before serious achievement occurs. There is a direct relationship between Context of Achievement and level of actual achievement. Without this, failure is almost certain. As a manager, the most important thing you can do is assist your staff in their own professional and personal growth.
This is not a band-aid, quick fix approach. It is a program that is process driven and requires time. That being said, once new habits are formed, new skills and improved results soon follow.
Who is it for?
- Individuals ready to make a deeper commitment to their success.
- Leaders who believe finding, focusing and supporting the right, growth oriented people is a sound, long term strategy to growing their company and achieving their own goals
How Does It Work?
- Level 1
Level one brings the manager and employees into a committed team to align their individual and department goals to the company goals. - Level 2
Annual goals are broken down into personal, professional and/or department goals. The results are tracked by a quarterly review system (with a monthly email check-in/meeting as needed). A strategic and tactical plan of action and support that capitalizes on your strengths is developed and implemented. Weaknesses are minimized. Planning, execution and reviews are built into the process.
What People are Saying About the Ruh Advanced Leadership Program
For about 10 years, I have been familiar with John’s work as a serial entrepreneur and a business coach. John is a fanatic about providing business owners and executives with the tools and support they truly need. John’s passion for helping others achieve success spurs him to fantastic results at the companies he serves. Don’t use John unless you’re ready to get a gutsy, honest appraisal of where your blind spots are. But, do use him. Your PNL and your people will thank you.
Matt E., CPLP
We engaged John Ruh Consulting to help develop an approach to my company’s organizational development needs. We found that The Ruh Advanced Leadership Program contained many of the elements we were seeking already and had a proven track record. Still skeptical, we employed it on a limited basis at first, but found the response from our test groups so compelling that we have begun deploying it throughout the wider organization. The results at this stage speak for themselves: a more engaged staff that takes effective initiative for achieving the team and their individual goals, higher levels of employee satisfaction, and a better overall perspective on the capabilities and needs of our most critical assets.
Todd S, General Manager
John Ruh’s advanced leadership development program has provided a leadership model I can drive at my own pace. It’s the only program I have ever found that gives me the needed support to align both the individual and company goals. His concept of “natural empowerment” works and his work at defining our culture was exceptional.
Bill C, entrepreneur
John has a deep understanding of what growth work entails. He knows what it takes to be an effective leader and communicates those ideas in an easily understandable format. I have seen the growth of this program over the past few years and it has become a comprehensive skill building tool for leaders across the spectrum of the organizational structure. Leaders at any level will learn how to identify personal strengths and weaknesses and how to work with them. The Ruh Advanced Leadership Development Program supports the individual through this process in a compassionate, non-judgmental way which enables true and lasting growth.
Debby K., licensed therapist, facilitator
I met John at a luncheon. He introduced himself as a serial entrepreneur. I really didn’t know what to think about that description, no one had ever introduced themselves that way to me. My business was in survival mode when I met John. It didn’t take long for me to realize that he really is a serial entrepreneur. John introduced D.I.S.C. to us and worked with us to develop a plan of action. He explained how we should communicate with people according to their DISC. I know that he uses that same technique on me, and I like it! John has given us a plan that has taken us from survival to growth. We are now excited about the future, and that is 180 degrees from survival.
Joe B, Business Owner
John Ruh is a rare individual. Many advisors are theoreticians. John has actually been there, and done that. He has started, built, and sold a company before. Not once, not twice, but three times. He knows how to do it and knows how to explain what needs to be done. His advanced leadership program pulls together the best of the best and features tools that he knows works. John has been a personal advisor to me for a number of years and he is excellent, very vested, and keeps reminding you of what you need to be doing. Highly recommended.
Jim W., Business and Career Advisor
The Ruh Advanced Leadership Program has helped defined my goals clearly and assisted me in creating an unambiguous path and the support I need to reach them.
Scott U. – Entrepreneur
A mutual friend connected me with John. That was a couple of years back. John provides uncompromising, thought-stimulating, ruthlessly honest insight and advice. His laser-like focus on making me keep my personal laser focused on my mission, vision and values has been priceless. I provide this reference for John. Call me anytime, and I will bend your ear for as long as you would like on the impact John has made on me personally and professionally.
Mike H – VP of business development/entrepreneur
John Ruh is smart and insightful. He listens and understands the values that drive our business and the unique individuals whom we need to be successful as an organization. He helps me articulate my personal vision and support myself in that endeavor. I like to use John as ‘my personal coach.’ He forces you to look at your 60- to 90-day needs and take action.
Don F. – Plant Manager
John helps me get things done while relating all activities back to our values and vision. With his guidance and expertise, we have moved from a firm of individuals without direction to a more unified group moving together toward our declared vision. His aggressive style and pace have kept us moving in the right direction.
Kevin H – Owner/COO of a national firm
John is a great person. He has a large span of knowledge and lots of personal experience. High energy – want to earn his fee and wants to deliver. He has a network of resources he can bring to bear on issues. We have relied heavily on the tools John Brought to the table, especially those involve the “intangibles” of culture. When I have a people issue, I call John.
Joe I, serial entrepreneur/investor
We implemented and continue to implement the Ruh leadership program. I realized through his process of putting the right people in the right place is pivotal to the success of the company. John’s continued support keeps me and the entire company on track with our goals and vision. He is a constant reminder that leadership development is something not only done “after the normal operation”, but rather is the fundamental process of the operation.
Antonio C, General Manager of engineering firm
John Ruh is a results driven individual. John’s specialty is Vision, Leadership, Goals, Personnel and DiSC. If you want your business to achieve the results you want, John is the person to get you there. His Ruh Advanced Leadership Program will get you from where you are to where you want to get.
Ray S, Founder of President’s group
I met John in 1995. He was hired as my Business Coach. Originally my ego got in the way and I did not think I needed one. However since meeting John, I still talk to him monthly. I can share the MANY, MANY ways John’s instruction and teaching has positively changed how I interact with others, built trust quickly, and ultimately generated revenue, however I’ll share just one example. John instructed me on “The Universal Language of the D.I.S.C”. His instruction shared with me how to understand the other person’s personality traits (as well as my own). By speaking to others in a way they understand best, they feel valued and understood. John understands business, and people’s deep desire to be cared for. If you also are interested in business and sharing deeper relationships, you should have a chat with John.
Lou C, Entrepreneur
The Ruh Advanced Leadership Program has been beneficial in helping me to capitalize on my strengths and augment my weaknesses in both my professional and personal life. I have been able to improve in both areas. It has also helped me to recognize my personal leadership style so that I can enhance it through books, workshops, etc.
Carolyn L, Software Development Manager
Specials for the Ruh Advanced Leadership Program
One FREE Management / Leader Behavioral Profile for Yourself $75.00 Value
One FREE Individual Leadership Session $125.00 Value
One Group Mini-Session on Welch, Jobs, Collins, or Joel Barker’s “The Power of Vision” DVD $250.00 Value
Start Today!
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